Sunday 8 December 2013


Hey everyone..
from a long time i've been craving to give a review on this prodcut. to be true i too was suffering from dandruff problems but all the shampoos would work temporarily. but a friend of mine told me about this.. and believe me my dandruff was gone in just 2 washes!! it also moisturises your hair so i'd say its a must shot..

Ciclopirox, Zinc Pyrithione (ZPTO) and shampoo base.
Its also got aloe vera for conditioning the hair!!

Dandruff and seborrhoeic dermatitis of the scalp. I had a very dry scalp and flakes of dry skin would come off within a couple of days of washing my hair.
How To Use:
Wet hair, apply and lather. Leave it for three minutes and rinse off... simple as that.
It comes in a standard white bottle with a green cap which allows you to use it till the last drop. The shampoo is a very light greenish blue liquid which is of medium consistency. It lathers well when sufficient quantity is taken.

Rs. 170 for 100 mL
My Experience :
I am very satisfied with this product. I used shampoo twice every time, once lightly to clean the hair and then a second time for treating the dandruff. The second time, massaged the scalp with finger tips and then left for at least 3 minutes. I used to leave it till I finish my bath and then rinse it off. You can use conditioner after using the shampoo if you want, but I didn’t do as I feel conditioners don’t do much for my dry, curly hair like mine.
Pros :
  • It clears dandruff effectively, which is precisely what we want it to do.
  • Effectively cures itching of the scalp.
  • It is cost effective.
Cons :

  • I feel that the cons are not significant in this case as it’s a functional, medicinal product and does what it claims.
Do I Recommend Cipla 8X Anti-Dandruff Shampoo?
Definately... try it sincerely for a few days and you will surely notice a difference.
Thanks a lot for reading this review, I hope you liked it and that at least a few of you would find it helpful. Take care and stay happy!